Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry seeks to come alongside the parents in their call to raise their teenagers in the fear and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). The youth ministry at Sovereign Grace does not intend to replace the parents in this calling but to assist and support the parents by supplementing the Christian nurture already taking place in the home. We do this by striving to cultivate in them a devotion to the Word of God, fellowship, the sacraments, and prayer (Acts 2:42). We have weekly Sunday school classes for middle and high schoolers, bi-weekly youth groups on Sunday afternoons, Wednesday night catechism classes, and monthly fellowship events that all middle and high schoolers are invited to join.

Please reach out to Ricky Johnson at for any questions about getting involved.

Regular Schedule

Sunday schools


High school

The high schoolers are currently studying Don't Follow Your Heart by Thaddeus Williams.

Middle school

The middle schoolers are currently studying the books of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude.

Sunday Youth Group

Biweekly @ 4:45pm

Youth group happens immediately before our evening worship service on the first and third Sundays of the month. This time includes snacks, fellowship, and a discussion on a particular topic. We are currently going through a study on Christian ethics consisting of specific application of the 10 commandments to the lives of the youth.

Wednesday Catechism


Immediately following our Wednesday night fellowship meal, the youth gather for games, teaching, and memorization of the Westminster Shorter Catechism.